
In the process of sustainable environmental development, ChipMOS actively takes energy saving and carbon reduction measures to mitigate climate change. At the same time, we are well aware that the ecosystem of biodiversity is an important foundation for people's survival and development. Therefore, ChipMOS takes concrete actions to protect aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems for maintenance of their stability and balance.。


Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy

In addition to complying with local and foreign regulatory requirements, ChipMOS strive to reduce the environmental impact of our operations. By formulating clear policies and linking to the SDGs, we guide ourselves and the supply chain to achieve the goals of biodiversity and forest conservation and maintenance. To build employees' knowledge of biodiversity and its importance and impact, the Company will organize biodiversity courses in April 2024. While raising employees' awareness, they can maintain and conserve biodiversity at work and in life.


▪ ChipMOS Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy


Corporate Commitment and Implementation Policy
  • The Company is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its operations, abiding by relevant international and local laws and regulations, as well as avoiding establishing offices or plants in or near globally or nationally important biodiversity areas.
  • Prevent the operations and activities of the Company and the supply chain from damaging or affecting protected forests and species, ensure that these activities do not involve deforestation, and avoid the development of forest covered areas, areas of high conservation value, and peatlands.
  • Identify the sources of key impacts through biodiversity risk assessment and continue to monitor the ecological quality of plants in operating and nearby areas. If the Company's operations involve land use changes such as plant construction, it should evaluate potential ecological losses and implement mitigation actions as compensation and achieve No Net Loss.
  • The Company demands supply chain partners comply with local biodiversity related laws and regulations and this policy to prevent operations from affecting important habitats and in turn impacting the natural environment.
  • The Company supports the promotion of nature preservation, biodiversity, forest conservation, environmental education, and other activities to elevate the stakeholders awareness of environmental friendliness and ecological conservation.


Biodiversity planning and development

In 2023, ChipMOS taken proactive measures by deploying the draft framework beta v0.4 released by TNFD in March 2023 for the identification and management of nature-related risks. The Company has conducted assessments of its organizational operations, operational sites, and suppliers' dependencies on and impacts to natural capital. Furthermore, ChipMOS has also published its TNFD report and engaged in stakeholder communication. Similar to TCFD, the TNFD framework also revolves around four pillars and establishes disclosure requirements in the areas of governance, strategy, risk and impact management, and indicator targets.